“Pichea” - I always say this word. And to be honest I don’t remember where, when or from whom I learned this word from. I just know that it got stuck on me like around high school or so (everybody was using this word) for me this word means to ignore things or forget about a certain situations. I normally use it, when something is bothering me I say. “Le voy a pichar a la situacion” or when someone does not understand or I don’t understand what someone is saying to me, I say, “deverdad pichea, que no entiendo”. Or when I have to give advice and don’t know what to say to a friend, I just say, “picheale a eso”. Honestly I don’t know if people still use this word, but I don’t know why it just got stuck on me.

Make love, not war – I like saying this, and I say it every time I see there is a fight or an argument of any type. I really don’t like disputes, disagreements or fights of any kind, I’m a pacifist. And the thing is I want always like this, I learn to say this when I got myself in a really bad place, that pretty much got my ass kicked, and it wasn’t even my fault!. Just one of those times that you are there in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

 I’m a lover not a fighter - I say this every time someone (friend, boyfriend, family, someone random) want to argue or pick a fight with me. I consider myself a pacifist. Wasn’t always like that though. I started applying this saying not long ago, that when I realized that fighting or arguing is not going to take you anywhere. Having a civil conversation with someone in peace, will take you where you need to go.

“A pues bien” - this saying has multiple meanings. I learned it in high school and it got stuck on me ever since. “A pues bien” could mean that you don’t care what the person is saying, that you are shocked. That you are indifferent. It really depends on the way you say it. I’m always told it’s not what u say, it’s how you say it. And this is a word I say every time. 

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